FadeShowApplet displays series of images with cross fading between two consecutive pictures. Images are not preloaded but fetched on demand from the host.
"canvas_size" size of the canvas as pair of comma separated numbers for width and height. Images are resized to best fit on canvas while preserving their aspect ratio.
"background_color" background color of the applet and canvas as a triplet of comma separated r,g,b numbers from interval [0,255]
"delay" minimum time in mses in which an image remains undisturbed by cross fading.
"step" one of numbers 1,3,5,15 - step in change of transparencies of images, smaller number means finer cross fading but longer time.
"image#" where # denotes one of the series of consecutive numbers starting with 0 : partial URLs of image files relative to applet code base.
You can download jar file with the applet from the Download page.